Affiliated to NTR University, Recognized by the Dental Council of India(DCI).

Criteria 08

Metric No File No File Description
8.1.1 8.1.1 Certified list of students enrolled for BDS with NEET percentile scores for the A.Y.2021-22
8.1.2 8.1.2 Supporting Documents
8.1.3 8.1.3(1) CSSD Register
8.1.3(2) Disinfection Register
8.1.3(3) Immunization Register
8.1.3(4) Parent Safety Manual
8.1.3(5) Needle stick injury record
8.1.4 8.1.4 Supporting Documents
8.1.5 8.1.5(1) Invoices
8.1.5(2) Usage registers
8.1.5(3) Geo-tagged photographs
8.1.6 8.1.6(1) Certificate from Principal
8.1.6(2) Geo-tagged photographs
8.1.6(3) Certified list of trained students
8.1.6(4) Report on training in specialized clincs and facilities
8.1.7 8.1.7 Certified list of teachers along with the e-copies of certificates
8.1.8 8.1.8 Supporting Documents
8.1.9 8.1.9(1) Policy Document
8.1.9(2) Certified list of first-year students provided immunization
8.1.9(3) Certified list of teachers provided immunization
8.1.9(4) Certified list of hospital staff provided immunization
8.1.10 8.1.10 Supporting Documents
8.1.11 8.1.11(1) CA certified audited statement
8.1.11(2) Certified letter from the Principal
8.1.12 8.1.12 Supporting Documents